873,327 (MRP Inclusive of all taxes)

SKU: N/A Category:


NAME OF MEDICINE :- Kuktandtwak  Bhasma

CLASSICAL REFRENCE  :- Rasender Saar Sangrah

FORMULATION COMPOSITION :- Made from Kuktandtwak\

DOSE :-  125 to 250 mg to be taken twice in a day water or as directed by the physician.

INDICATIONS :- Leucorrhoea, Menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, General debility, Nocturnal emission, Impotency.

Additional information


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1. Calculated the quantity of the drugs mentioned under KUKTANDTWAK BHASMA as per text and original formula mentioned in the master formulary for the required batch and quantity.
2. Accurately weighed and tested the drugs from the raw material store and cleaned them.
3. The kukutandtwak mentioned in the Yog was made into coarse powder. Immerse kukutandatwak in the swarasa of specified drug as mentioned in the yog.
4. The kuktandtwak mentioned in the Yog was poured into an earthen pot and the lid was closed and sandhi bandana was done. It was then put on the fire, allowed to cool down.
5. Withdrew the sample for testing and after testing the batch, the bhasma was released for packing.
6. Sealed and labeled the bhasma in well cleaned plastic bottles which was already cleaned as per their SCP (Standard Cleansing Procedure).