Madhuyashtiyadi Kwath (Coarse)

107777 (MRP Inclusive of all taxes)

SKU: N/A Category:


NAME OF MEDICINE:-  Madhuyashtiyadi Kwath (Coarse)



Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Banafsha (Viola odorata), Reshakhatmi (Althoea officinalis), Ganjwan (Onosma bracteatum), Gulab pushpa (Rosa centifolia), Saunf (Foeniculum vulgare), Draksha (Vitis vinifera), Lasurrhia (Cordia dichotoma)-11.76% (each of the above ingredients), Dalchini (Cinnamum zeylanicum)-5.88%.



Acute and chronic cough & cold, bronchitis etc.


15 to 30 ml to be taken twice or thrice in a day as per making the decoction or as directed by the physician.

Additional information


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1.Calculate the quantity of the drugs mentioned under the MADHUYASHTADI KWATH (PRAVAHI) as per Master Formulary Record for the required batch & quantity.
2. Accurately weigh the tested drugs from the raw material store,clean them properly to exclude physical impurities/foreign materials and then again weigh the drugs and adjust their weight loss according to the master formula.
3. Clean the pulverisor as per SCP (Standard Cleansing Procedure).
4. Coarsely powdered the drugs (Yav kut) mentioned in the Yog and are mixed properly in the mass mixture machine.
5. The coarsely powdered drugs (Yav kut) are then immersed in sixteen times water for the preparation of decoction as mentioned in the master formulary record. The mixture is then shifted in an iron vessel and allowed to boil on moderate fire. When the one fourth quantity of water is left it is then stopped heating after which the decoction is filtered through the muslin cloth and shifted in another S/S vessel. Class II preservatives are added to avoid any fungus. After which it is allowed to cool and retain for atleast one day so as to allow the essential wastage to settle down at the bottom. The upper portion of the decoction is then taken out of the S/S vessel and again filtered through the muslin cloth.
6. Withdrew the sample for testing and after testing the batch, the Kwath is sealed and labeled in well cleaned glass bottles which are already cleaned as per their SCP (Standard Cleansing Procedure).


a.)Colour:- Light Brown

b.)Taste:- Sweet & slight bitter

c.)Smell:- Herbal fragrance