NAME OF MEDICINE :- A-Biotic Tablet
Each Tablet Contains :
Shudh Guggul (NBalsamodendron Mukul) 200mg.
Sat Giloe (Tinospora cordifolia) 150mg.
Mulethi (Glycyrrhiz glabra) 50mg.
Manjeeth (Rubia cordifolia) 25mg.
Kalphal (Myrica esculenta) 25mg.
Haldi (Curcuma longa) 25mg.
Shankh Bhasm 25mg.
Processed in the decoction of :
Tulsi Patra (Ocimum Sanctum) Q.S.
DOSE :- Two to four tablets twice a ady or as directed by the Physician.
INDICATIONS :- Infective Conditions, Tonsolitis, Pharyngitis, Chronic wound infections.